Your Grilling Gurus:
Grilling. It's not just for hot dogs and burgers any more. At our store in Kidron, Ohio, we carry a complete line of grills and accessories. And most Saturdays through the summer and fall, we have our grills fired up. From grilled fruit, to baking bread, to steaks and chicken, we can help you experience the Thrill of the Grill.

Rian Carlton
How long have you worked for Lehman's?
5 years (has gone quick!)
Favorite Lehman's Stove:
Hearthstone Montgomery fireplace
Favorite Lehman's Grill:
Primo ceramic grill
Fun Fact:
I've been to 7 different countries (rode an elephant in 2 of them!)
Best Customer Interaction (Stoves):
I had a customer who purchased a bright red stove from us and was having some trouble with it a couple months down the road and I ended up going out to their home and walking them through how to run their stove properly and gave them some recommendations. After fixing everything, we sat down and we just talked for what seemed like a couple hours. The red stove looked so beautiful in their masonry fireplace!
Best Customer Interaction (Grills):
We sold a Traeger grill to a customer in Ohio and during the summer they visit Lehman's numerous times to stock up on their pellets and rubs. They always come back and tell us the different meals they've cooked on their grill and how much they love their new grill!

Dan Kinney
How long have you worked for Lehman's?
I have worked for Lehman's for over five years.
Favorite Lehman's Stove:
The Manchester by Hearthstone. It is a cast stove with soapstone fire bricks. It is a work horse; once you get it fired up it keeps putting out heat for hour's even when the fire is only down to embers.
Favorite Lehman's Grill:
I like the Primo ceramic grills. You won't have a better-tasting steak. They hold the heat with ease and are awesome at long smoke times.
Fun Fact:
I am ambidextrous. I can write with both my left and right hand.
Best Customer Interaction (Stoves):
I really enjoy when a customer stops back in just to let me know how much they enjoy their stove they purchased from Lehman's. To say I have just one favorite customer would be a hard thing to pin down. I try to sell a customer what I personally would like to put in my own house. It's hard to steer a customer wrong when you approach a sale that way.

Amanda Burt
How long have you worked for Lehman's?
Almost one year, but I've been a frequent shopper since age 5.
Favorite Lehman's Grill:
Timberline 1800 -I love the flavor my Traeger gives everything I grill, bake, and smoke. I also love how easy it is to use, simply turn it on and it handles everything else. I can even control it from the app on my phone.
Fun Fact:
I distinctly remember shopping at Lehman's when I was a kid during the Y2K scare. I was so excited to use the grain mill we purchased, that I ground wheat berries for almost 3 hours straight once we got it home. This was also my first distinct memory of sore muscles. I still have that grain mill from Lehman's but I did purchase an electric motor for it.
Best Customer Interaction (Stoves):
I once had a customer purchase a wood stove off of our sales floor that was still lit and burning. The only tricky thing was that he wanted to take the stove within two hours. It took some work, but we managed to get the fire out and the stove cooled down and disconnected so that he could take it home.