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The inner wall stays smooth because the solid brass can't rust or pit. As a result, the leathers last and last. Twin leathers for higher efficiency. Tough urethane facing on check valve. Rated for depths up to 3000 ft and temperatures up to 200°F (important if you're pumping from geothermal spring). However, for hand pumps, the maximum practical depth is 200 ft (with #442102, which 2" diameter). Pumping capacity up to 24 ounces per stroke (with #442103, which is 3" diameter, on a 10" stroke).
"Max Depth" means "Maximum Distance to the typical or common water level" also known as "Static Water Level." The Static Water Level is typically written on your well's pressure tank. Your well driller may also have the information in their records. If you can't find the Static Water Pressure, you can determine it by dropping a steel washer tied securely to a clean, strong piece of string into the well. You will hear an audible "plop" when the washer hits the water. Pull it back up and measure the string.
"Max Depth (1)" refers to the maximum rated Static Water Level for each cylinder. All of these can raise water from 3000 ft. However, doing so requires specialized machinery. All it tells you is that the cylinder is well made. No human can use these cylinders at that depth. It's just physically impossible.
"Max Depth (2)" refers to the Static Water Level you can reach with "normal" effort, meaning it's workable for a typical, physically fit adult. If you expect the pump to be used by small statured adults or children, you should go one size smaller. A smaller cylinder will be easier to pump, but you will have to pump more times for the same volume of water.
Note: For best results, install the cylinder below the Static Water Level. Installing the cylinder below the water level does not make pumping harder. The only thing that matters is the Static Water Level. You can improve performance by installing an optional foot valve, available from Lehman's (use the search box to find "foot valve") or at your local hardware store.
*Longer stroke means more water per stroke.
**Screws onto 1 1/4" size pipe, which is the standard.